What a week it has been...and by week, I mean last week :)
Monday and Tuesday I was at the hospital all day for training. Talk about lots of sitting. Thankfully all the occupational and physical therapists got us up and moving. But I'll be doing my department training this week, which I'm looking forward to!
Wednesday was fun. Sadly, my dance class at Oak Creek was canceled, but the girls all had visits, so hopefully they all enjoyed some time with their families. And I was thrilled that I got to go to Sponsor Revelation at the Tri Delt house. We had a big ol' family reunion, picked up six new babies, and finished the evening with our traditional dessert at Big River. YUM.
Thursday warmed my heart. I got a last minute invite from Dr. Michelle Inderbitzin, my Inside-Out instructor, to attend an event put on by the 7th Step Club at the penitentiary. Obviously I said yes...it has been almost a year since I've seen all the guys in my class! I went up on Thursday evening and spent the night listening to three speakers. One crime victim and two inmates. I will admit that I did get a little teary eyed. But I SO very much enjoyed seeing some of "my guys." It was good to know that they are all doing well and they're just as fun as I remember them being!
Tomorrow, I'll be headed up to Portland to spend the day playing "mom" to my three lovely "nieces." The newly ten year old Catherine, three year old Audrey, and six (almost seven) month old Caroline.
Wednesday, after training, I'll be headed out to Oak Creek to work on a new project with Michelle. I hope to get at least a couple minutes of dancing in, as one of my girls is getting released on Friday. It's bittersweet, but mostly sweet.
Well, I do believe that's it for now. Enjoy your week!