Wow #2: Yesterday, I went down to Eugene for a regional Inside-Out hub meeting. I spent two hours with some AMAZING alumni, including one inside alum (for those who don't means he was an inmate but is now out!). I was finally able to connect with an alum in Portland whose dreams are as big as mine and whose desire to be involved in corrections comes close to matching mine (she probably sees it opposite). She asked me if I want to help her get an Inside-Out affiliated program going at Columbia River Correctional Institution. My answer was a very obvious YES. How cool is this? I need to get better connected with Inside-Out alums.
Wow #3: Today, I went to OSP (Oregon State Penitentiary), which warms my heart itself. I went with Inside-Out alumni, Inside-Out facilitators, and THE Lori Pompa, aka, the founder of Inside-Out and the woman that I have to thank for changing my life. In addition to all of us outside students, there were some fantastic inside students including some of my dearest friends! Ben, Paul, Bob, and was more than wonderful to see you guys again. We were there to get an Inside-Out Think Tank going. Uhh...awesome! The pure dedication, appreciation, and love for Inside-Out that everyone in the room had was incredible. I am BLESSED to be a part of this Think Tank. Twice a month at OSP...count me in! Love love love.
Life is crazy. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Thankful isn't a big enough word.
My Inside-Out class in the fall of 2008!