My cousin, Abby, has always been more like a sister to me than a cousin. She was the one that really got me started in dance. We were always close growing up. I absolutely adore her and, for a long time growing up, wanted to be her. Still do.
Three years ago, her first little munchkin arrived. He's a darling, sweet little boy that just loves to love you. And I've loved him since day one. He isn't a big fan of me yet, but it's not my fault they live in North Carolina and I can't love on him enough!
On Christmas day, we were surprised with a sweet joy. As we were Skyping with them (our family was in Oregon, theirs was in North Carolina), we saw B zoom by on his new balance bike and my mom quickly noticed his shirt, which said "Big Bro." Abby was pregnant!
After a wild pregnancy and a "scary" delivery, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen joined this world...a baby girl. No one knew gender until the baby arrived, and so when I heard it was a girl, I fell in love.
She's perfect, healthy, and a whole week old now. I've only seen pictures, but I will (hopefully) be Skyping with them soon so that I can "meet" my bumble bee.
So friends, it continues to be true...the best things come in the smallest packages. Especially when they have kissable, chunk cheeks, brown curly hair, and the prettiest mama you'll know.