I'm blessed to have people that love me to pieces, and blessed to have people that I can love to pieces. I don't have kids. I don't have nieces and/or nephews. But someday, God willing, I hope to have both. Until then, I have seven beautiful, wonderful little ones that I can love to pieces. And here is just a sample of the pieces I get to love.

I love the piece that is grown up and wise beyond her years. The piece that still wants to be a little girl. The piece that isn't afraid to bear hug you and ask you not to leave. I love the piece that loves gymnastics as much as I do. The piece that has a contagious giggle. The piece that loves.

I love the piece that loves her dress up clothes. The piece that dresses up like a princess because she is one. The piece that wants to be included in everything, but still be totally independent. I love the piece that cuddles up with you after bath time with wet hair and jammies. The piece that loves hugging you by jumping into your arms and tucking her knees into her chest, so that they're stuck between the two of you. The piece that loves to love.
I love the piece that has red curly hair. The piece that is a straight shooter and isn't afraid to tell you exactly what she's thinking. The piece that loves giving kisses, even though sometimes you have to ask. I love the piece that asks the good questions, like where the birdie door is. The piece that says "cheese" until the camera flashes. The piece that loves unconditionally.

I love the piece that dresses like an old man in a little boy's body. The piece that loves on and cares greatly for his panda bear. The piece that loves going to "nastics." I love the piece that loves his mama, as I love her very much as well. The piece that loves anything on wheels. The piece that shines through his incredible eyes and tells you just how much he loves you.

I love that piece that loves and looks up to her big sisters. The piece that has the world's longest eyelashes. The piece that loves to snuggle. I love the piece that is brave and wants to explore the world. The piece that loves reaching for anything and everything within arms distance. The piece that loves you back with a sweet, sweet smile.
I love the piece that has red hair, but isn't quite as red as his sister's. The piece that is just as content sitting in his car seat as he is in your arms. The piece that doesn't like being still while you're holding him. I love the piece that shows off his adorably sweet toothless grin. The piece that slobbers on you, but you don't mind because he's just so cute. The piece that makes your heart go a-flutter.

I love the piece that holds that super cheesy baby grin. The piece that says "I'm a man, I don't smile." The piece that enjoys a good bottle. I love the piece that rolls over and shows a look of triumph on his face. The piece that looks just like dad. The piece that is so excited to be a little boy, but still wants to be loved on like a baby.
There are so many more pieces to each of these loves that I can't get enough of. I love watching them grow. I love being a part of their lives; a part of their pieces. But most of all, I love having the opportunity to love them to pieces.
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