Thursday, June 24, 2010

Time to get personal

Well...sort of. I haven't done a post "about me" in a while, so here you go friends!

...I am pleased to announce that my wonderful boyfriend was accepted into the marriage and family therapy program at George Fox! He will be starting in the fall. I'm excited for another journey that we'll get to go on together.

...Summer semester has kept me so incredibly busy that it's not even funny. I took less credits than I did in the fall, but because the semester is essentially half of a normal semester, classes are longer and the workload is heavier. Next week I finish up one of my classes with a final, and the week after I finish another with a presentation. Then, my intensive trauma courses will continue throughout the summer, but at least I can just take the time to focus on those.

...In 22 days, I will be attending the National Down Syndrome Congress Conference with my family. I'm so excited and very ready for a vacation.

...In 71 days, I'm off to the TCU/OSU football game! Daniel will be coming with us and we're both so excited. I think Daniel and I are thankful that we've found someone who adores football as much as the other person.

...I'm busy with work at 24 Hour Fitness. I love the people I work with. And playing with kids that I can give back after two hours is a pretty sweet deal in my eyes.

...In a few weeks, I'll begin a two day a week babysitting job with my three lovely ladies. Catherine, Audrey, and Caroline will be mine for a few hours and I'm very much looking forward to it.

...The sunshine is finally out! I'm trying to get as much time as I can in out there, but school and work like to keep me inside. Booo.

I think that's all from me for now. But I'm looking forward to a wonderful summer!

Hope you all are well!

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