I don’t want it to be over. I’m not ready for it to be over. Why does it have to be over? It feels like we’ve only been here for two days…not a week. This morning, while the men hunted and gathered (aka – built/finished the shed for Jonas), we organized a lot at the base camp. We also got to deliver goodies to the Church school during their recess. Sweet little Rishna clung to me the whole time. So sweet. We made lunches for the guys, packed, and waited for them to come back. After a quick lunch, we loaded up the tap taps to head to Pastor Baland’s orphanage. Traffic was awful and it was miserably hot in the tap tap. On our way up the mountain, our tap tap overheated so we had to pull of. Thank goodness for Sam and Mike! Actually getting to the orphanage was crazy. Bad streets made it difficult, but boy was it worth it. The second we walked in the gate, the children clapped, screamed, and laughed. A sweet little girl was quacking like a duck and holding her arms out towards me. I scooped her up and Lovely’s feet didn’t touch the ground the rest of the time we were there. It was a joy getting to comfort her. There would be moments where she’d start to cry, so I’d squeeze her tighter, tell her that I got her, and love on her. For a while, she fell asleep in my arms. Melt. My. Heart. Leaving was difficult. As I went to set her down, she curled up her legs and shook her head no. when I finally was able to put her down, I kissed her cheek and told her that I loved her. She probably won’t remember me, but I’ll always remember her. A ride up a terrifying mountain road led us to the lookout, where we bartered like crazy for stuff. The lookout…whoa. I didn’t realize how high up we were…talk about terrifying. We headed home after and that was a fun car ride. I visited Francz when we got back. We exchanged contact info and he gave me his necklace. His is precious and will always be in my prayers. Dinner was so good and our final debrief followed. Craig bought a last minute painting for $5 that I said I liked up at the lookout. He asked me if I wanted to buy is, and I said I had $5 if he really wanted to give it up. He looked at it, handed it back to me, and said “Merry Christmas.” I started to pull my wallet out and he said no. Because he didn’t have anyone to give things to, he wants to give things to people every so often. Craig, you’re a good man and you’re greatly appreciated. Earlier in this entry, I asked why this had to end. It doesn’t. The only thing that’s ending is my time in Haiti. What I learned here, what I gained here, how I grew here, and how I changed here will always be with me. A big piece of my heart is and always will be in Haiti. I am 100% determined to come back. Between now and then, I plan to live each day with conviction. I plan to remain humbled. I plan to give each day to the Lord so that His hand is in all I do. I plan to pray for Haiti and it’s people. I plan to further develop my relationship in Christ and further develop the changes made in me. It’s not over. It’s just beginning. Thank you for everything, Lord. I love you and I am forever humbled. Thank you Haiti for allowing me to be a part of your world. I love it.

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