Catherine is 11. In a week, she will be 12. She is in middle school now, which is weird, because just last week, I was picking her up from preschool. Pumpkin is growing up too fast…way too fast. I have always said that she is whatever age she is going on 25. She has always been wise and mature beyond her years. But I will tell you this…she loves. I love that whenever I leave, leaving without a hug is simply not an option. Not. At. All. Most 12 year olds would not be caught dead hugging someone. Not my Catherine. Nope…she is too sweet.
She has been playing soccer for a while now. We are working on being more aggressive. But this weekend, my girl scored her first goal. I was not at the game, but as soon as I heard, pride could not have bubbled up faster. Yes friends, my girl is a shining star in every way.

Audrey is five. She just started kindergarten, which is weird, because we just celebrated her first birthday last week. Bug is a princess…she believes it and I believe it. She is my pretty little princess and I do not care what other people say about how believing fairy tales is detrimental. I want my girl to believe that she is lovely and perfect just the way she is. She loves to be independent…she’s starting to go through that phase. However, you know what else she loves? Sitting on the couch and cuddling up to you as close as she possibly can. Best. Thing. Ever.
Audrey has started soccer this year. No wait, strike that. Audrey started kick and chase this year. She is as aggressive as can be and will go for the goal no matter the cost, including scoring a goal for the other team. But she loves soccer and I love watching her play soccer. Yes friends, my girl is a rock star in every way.

Caroline is two. Two days a week, the two of us get to hang out while big sisters are at school. We have a lot of good conversations, which is weird considering I was anxiously awaiting the announcement of her arrival just last week. She has quite the personality and despite only being two, knows what she wants. Sweets loves to play board games, as long as we play by her rules. She does not like to take naps, but will gladly take a “rest.” She snuggles when she wants to, but loves her independence.
Caroline loves to talk to you and loves asking questions even more. She has been working really hard at potty training for a while. She really wants to be potty trained and loves to tell me that she has to use the bathroom, which is usually followed by ten minutes of sitting on the potty without anything happening. But today, as we were getting ready for a “rest,” I decided to give the potty a chance. And guess what my big girl did? We finally got to do our potty dance! Yes friends, my girl is twinkly star in every way.
So, as I wrap up this post, I think about how rich I am to have them in my life. They make me feel important, beautiful, and loved. I hope that I make them feel the same way because I tell you what…they are all of those things and more.
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